The volatility of the price of bitcoin can cause anxiety, whether the affected person is a professional investor or not. This is the reason why Blockchain Fund, a cryptocurrency investment fund, opened an emergency telephone helpline dedicated to people who suffer anxiety generated by the volatile price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies present on the cryptocurrency market.
The launch of this service offering psychological help was announced on the fund’s official website. In essence, the goal of the helpline is to help to all those investors who are preoccupied with the price of the world’s most popular cryptocurrency or any cryptocurrency for that matter.
This direct telephone line will especially help the people affected by the recent strong drop of the price of bitcoin. Bitcoin went down from 20,000 dollars at the end of last year to below 7,000 dollars per coin. At the moment, its price is around 8,000 dollars.
By using this line, every user, investor or cryptocurrency owner can relate his or her story and the problems caused by the incurred losses and the trained staff will help them to endure the bad experience and return to the normal life. Elena Pihovkina, one of the psychologists working on the helpline, commented: “People begin to panic, no one understands what is going on. At the beginning, everything was great on the cryptocurrency market and now we see these terrible changes. First of all, I will familiarize with the people in my job, listen to their stories and then I will give advices on how to calm down and recover. It is very important for a person not to do anything stupid.”
The helpline is completely free and already active. There will also be an option to file a preliminary request for assistance by email, for a more detailed assistance. The number of the helpline is: 7 (936) 777-45-45 or 8 936 777-KOIN.
The alarming motive behind this initiative to launch an emergency helpline is related to the strong oscillations in the of bitcoin, but also to the alleged wave of suicides caused by the drop of the price of bitcoin and the lost value. Blockchain Fund commented: “This decision was made because of the wave of suicides that often follows the collapse of the main currencies. Now, any person who suffered losses from his or her investment in cryptocurrencies, can relate the story to qualified specialists, who will help him or her endure those bad experiences and return to the normal life.”
Blockchain Fund is an investment fund offering various services for investment, purchase and storage of cryptocurrencies. The headquarters of the company is in the Russia’s capital city, Moscow. After strong corrections on the cryptocurrency market recently, it seems to be recovering slowly.
Many people have invested all they got in cryptocurrencies and it is no wonder that many of them are affected psychologically when their assets lose a lot of their value in a short period of time, sometimes in a matter of hours or minutes.